Thank you for contacting Mastery Massage Inc. Online booking to June 2025 is available.
Mastery Massage Inc. is a professional registered massage therapy service provider & consultant provider located in the St. Albert and Edmonton area just off the Anthony Henday & Ray Gibbon Drive.
Mastery Massage Inc. specializes in facilitating the healing process for those with musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. And offers a highly experienced and qualified RMT with the ability to accurately assess your complaints, recognize conditions, and provide mastery application of a variety of soft tissue techniques safely and effectively.
As a qualified licensed massage therapist recognized by the insurance industry, reimbursement of your massage therapy treatments provided through your health benefits are eligible if available. Direct billing services are available.
Mastery Massage Inc. has been honoured to serve St. Albert & Edmonton area since 1997 and looks forward to the opportunity to share our massage therapy or consulting services with you.